G-SHOCK | BABY-G | Portugal

Existem poucas marcas de relógios tão versáteis como a G-SHOCK e BABY-G. A robustez e a durabilidade são características que apelam aos melhores atletas e músicos, que se vêem atraídos por estas qualidades. Estilo, cor e design, são também factores de relevância para estes líderes de opinião. Artistas de áreas como a moda, a música e arte, são fãs de longa data da nossa marca. Por estas razões todas, várias pessoas, de diferentes áreas e com interesses diferentes, têm uma coisa em comum:
"são Amigos da G-SHOCK e BABY-G".

Bem VINDO ao nosso MUNDO!


Miguel Ayako ... let the games begin!

é o que se pode ler quando entramos na página pessoal do Miguel Ayako ...
let the games begin!

O Miguel é um alfacinha de gema (nasceu em Lisboa), e profissionalmente assina pelo nome artístico de Ayako. As suas fontes de inspiração e respectivas referências, provêm da cultura urbana japonesa, algo que está bem patente no seu trabalho, e da liberdade de expressão que o Hip Hop proporciona.
G-Shock "freak", coleccionador e aficionado, o Miguel tem espalhado a sua palavra pelos cantos de Lisboa e não só ... desta vez foi mais longe, ao conseguir uma colaboração de respeito com a marca americana SlingShox que não ficou indiferente ao trabalho deste "alfacinha".

Conhece aqui o novo projecto do Miguel: http://theslingshox.com/

Miguel Ayako is an amazing artist from Portugal. I am inspired by his artistic style and understanding of the unique space where art and fashion collide," Brett Pulli, SlingShox's Founder and CEO, said in a press release. "Ayako has a passion for G-Shock watches and street culture. It is a great match for the SlingShox brand. The product really speaks for itself. SlingShox is launching the first ever watchband accessory that transforms a G-Shock into a glow-in-the-dark work of art. It's an amazing piece to add to any G-Shock collection. The fact that we limited the production makes it extremely desirable. SlingShox will sell out of this product in a very short time after the live release."

Read more: http://www.ballerstatus.com/2013/05/08/slingshox-artist-miguel-ayako-team-limited-g-shock-watch-skin/#ixzz2TJJdAIGN

Miguel Ayako is an amazing artist from Portugal. I am inspired by his artistic style and understanding of the unique space where art and fashion collide," Brett Pulli, SlingShox's Founder and CEO, said in a press release. "Ayako has a passion for G-Shock watches and street culture. It is a great match for the SlingShox brand. The product really speaks for itself. SlingShox is launching the first ever watchband accessory that transforms a G-Shock into a glow-in-the-dark work of art. It's an amazing piece to add to any G-Shock collection. The fact that we limited the production makes it extremely desirable. SlingShox will sell out of this product in a very short time after the live release."

Read more: http://www.ballerstatus.com/2013/05/08/slingshox-artist-miguel-ayako-team-limited-g-shock-watch-skin/#ixzz2TJJdAIGN

Miguel Ayako is an amazing artist from Portugal. I am inspired by his artistic style and understanding of the unique space where art and fashion collide," Brett Pulli, SlingShox's Founder and CEO, said in a press release. "Ayako has a passion for G-Shock watches and street culture. It is a great match for the SlingShox brand. The product really speaks for itself. SlingShox is launching the first ever watchband accessory that transforms a G-Shock into a glow-in-the-dark work of art. It's an amazing piece to add to any G-Shock collection. The fact that we limited the production makes it extremely desirable. SlingShox will sell out of this product in a very short time after the live release."
Read more: http://www.ballerstatus.com/2013/05/08/slingshox-artist-miguel-ayako-team-limited-g-shock-watch-skin/#ixzz2TJJdAIG

Miguel Ayako - some art work ...




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